About Us

Sanayi ve Gıda Maddeleri A.Ş.

Our story as Güney Süt Sanayi ve Gıda Maddeleri Ticaret Anonim Şirketi began in 1970 by trading feta cheese in Cukurova region. In 1980, first production facilities were established in Elmali, which is the district of Antalya, and continued its activities.

The production of milk and dairy products, which are respectively, UHT (Ultra Heat Treatment) Milk, Butter, Cheddar Cheese, Yogurt, Ayran and Local Food Cheese group, quickly turned into a family culture. In order to meet the needs of the consumers and contribute to the taste of them, Güney Süt continues its activities as a modern facility with a capacity of 500 tons on an area of 40.000m2 by developing itself over the time.  

In the line with the demands, Güney Süt decided to enter the concentrate and fruit juice market by using knowledge the aseptic filling experience in milk and dairy products, thus Yummy Fruit Juices Food Industry , which has capacity of 500 tons per day on an area of 30,000 m2, was established in 1993 in the Akdeniz district of Mersin.

In 2007, in order to better meet the demands, Güney Süt established Güney Farm with 2000 cattle on 1100 decares of land in Konya, Ereğli. At the same time, a large agricultural area was put into service with the farm, where they provide animal feed to reduce costs and reach a better food source.

”In every moment of life, Güney is the natural aspect of taste and health”.

Processing 500 tons of milk daily, Güney Süt produces and distributes its products in a reliable, hygienic and healthy way in accordance with world standards, using the newest technologies in the milk industry.

The company, which exports to more than 30 countries, aims to improve its export range with the help of the adequacy of its production capacity and having many years of experience. In addition to our Güney and Selin brands that are already on the market, we also launched our new brands Lactale and Puremix.

Continuing to grow gradually, Güney Süt is ranked #229 in second ISO 500 list of Istanbul Chamber of Industry showing the largest corporations in Turkey. In addition, Güney Süt is also listed in the top 15 among dairy product companies in Turkey.

“Our companies, which continue on their way with more than 400 employees and more than 100 product range as a group company, have reached a daily production capacity of 1000 tons today.”